This salve was formerly labeled as Ancient Healer Salve from 2007 to 2018.

  • Jewelweed Salve is helpful for soothing and comforting swimmers' itch, insect bites, scratches, burns, wounds, skin rashes, allergic reactions, and itchy skin issues.
  • The synergy in Creation Farm's Jewelweed Salve works well for soothing and comforting itch

Jewelweed Salve is a synergistic blend of fresh herbs for relief from itchy skeeter bites, soothing and comfort for a variety of outdoor skin calamities such as Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, and itchy bitey bumpy things..

The  bouquet of herbs we have assembled for this amazing salve includes Self-heal, Jewelweed, Red Clover, Yarrow, Plantain, Yellow Wood Sorrel, Yellow Dock, and tea tree oil.

Jewelweed Salve is available in a 2-Pack 1 oz Tin, 4 oz Glass Jar, 4 oz Tin, and.

Jewelweed Herbal Salve formerly know as Ancient Healer Salve

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